NOLA trumpeters’ friendship spawns beautiful music

My most lasting impression of spending an hour talking with Kermit Ruffins and Irvin Mayfield is how much they really enjoy each other’s company.  While it may be a common trait of New Orleans residents to revel in hanging out, these two accomplished trumpeters truly are soul mates.

Irvin Mayfield and Kermit Ruffins

On the occasion of Basin Street Records 20th anniversary, Ruffins and Mayfield collaborated on A Beautiful World released this fall and still climbing on the Jazz Week chart. The album boasts over 50 artists, including Rebirth Brass Band – the band which Ruffins co-founded early in his career and which inspired a very young Mayfield.  Here’s part of the interview dealing with that part of their lives (including a couple of tracks from A Beautiful World):

The two trumpeters may seem like unlikely buddies but as the story goes (and they both tell the same story with their own twist, listen to the more complete interview below) Kermit Ruffins was preparing to perform at the Superdome when a young Mayfield basically challenged him to a cutting contest.  And the relationship grew from there.  A Beautiful World is an audio homage to that relationship with Mayfield producing and performing and Ruffins doing what he does best: being himself.

Here are the best parts of the interview held in the Ruffin’s Mother-in-Law Lounge on October 23, 2017.

Author: Tim Sweeney

Host of Sweeney's Gumbo YaYa - a two-hour radio show that featured the music of New Orleans. It aired from September 2014 through March 2022, broadcast live on KAOS in Olympia and as a recording KMRE Bellingham and some Pacifica Network stations. Maintaining blog for a while longer.

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